Saraya Cafe
Orchestrale Nota Black & Wood
Orchestrale Nota Black & Wood
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2.2Liter Water Tank
Quiet Rotary Pump
Gorgeous Polished Stainless Steel
Steam and water wands = Cold touch
Steam and Water tap with Joystick
E61 Levetta Group Head - A commercial quality group head, made from lead-free brass will ensure a warm extraction during every use.
Rotary Pump - Rotary pumps keeps the machine quiet with the added benefit of preventing blocks by eliminating back pressure from the boiler. Not usually found on home espresso machines, a rotary pump is rare but incredibly convenient.
Thermosyphon System - This system keeps hot water moving throughout the espresso machine from the boiler to the brew group. What this means for you is a consistent cup of coffee.
Pre-Infusion - This system is essential to bringing out the full flavors and aromas from your beans. The Orchestrale Nota will properly and evenly douse your coffee grounds to ensure an even, flawless extraction.
Water Tank - The Orchestrale Nota comes with a large 2.8 liter water tank that is easily accessible on the back of the machine with an easy-to-operate lid.
Gorgeous Stainless Steel Construction - The stunning curves of the Orchestrale Nota are sure to impress and dazzle in your kitchen. Polished from the finest AISI 304 stainless steel.
Low Water Indicator - The Orchestrale Nota will alert you by blinking a light when the machine automatically detects a low water level. Triggered by a sensor in the water reservoir, it's of vital importance to use water that contains a low mineral count. Otherwise, the machine won't operate.
Consistency - You will find the shots and steam pressure to be incredibly consistent on an Orchestrale Nota.